Health is about more than the absence of symptoms. You can have zero symptoms and still be unhealthy. Overall health is having a healthy, functional nervous system. When your nervous system is functioning better, you have a better life. Adjustments to the SPINE have positive effects that are felt throughout your body. Chiropractors are the only healthcare professionals who are trained to locate and correct SPINAL SUBLUXATIONS. Chiropractic care is used to remove interference allowing all the different parts of your body to work together and communicate freely.
Resolution Family Chiropractic is dedicated to keeping YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES healthy! Dr. Sarah O'Quinn is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and has completed many extra hours of training in pediatric chiropractic care. Proper spine and nervous system function is vital for optimum BRAIN DEVELOPMENT. Even the most perfect births can cause tremendous stress on the spine and nervous system. Spine health is important in people of ALL AGES.
Dr. O'Quinn specializes in prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care. At Resolution Family Chiropractic, we use the Webster Technique during pregnancy which was designed to gently align the pelvis and balance the muscle and ligaments of the pelvis and uterus. This technique allows for optimum nervous system function and reduces tension on ligaments of the uterus during pregnancy. Dr. O'Quinn is certified in Webster Technique through the ICPA.